What I Have Learned From My Dog


Diane Cazalet

To have patience. Be willing to wait for your own needs to be met. You may be unhappy, lonely, uncomfortable for hours but hold no grudges. Trust your friend will eventually return and come to your rescue.  

To have compassion. When you sense your friend is hurting or unhappy just sit by them, listen, and be ready to follow their lead when they are ready. Your quiet presence provides support.

To go with the flow. Always be ready to work, play, walk, run, wait, sleep or respond to whatever the situation presents. Take each day as it comes without unrealistic expectations.

To always greet your friend with excited love and affection no matter how long you have been separated.

To enjoy and explore the great outdoors and appreciate the smells, sounds and sights with enthusiasm and joy.

To enjoy a long afternoon nap without regrets or guilt.

To love to travel and explore yet be just as happy and excited to return home.

To give and accept affection regardless of the circumstances. Love is unconditional.

To accept work with enthusiasm and seriousness but as soon as the work is done feel free to kick back, lose the intensity of the job, and play or rest.

To take the lead on the trail if you wish, but be sure to look back often and check that friends are following.

To remember when bad things happen and you have no control over the outcome, just shake yourself off and go on with your day in good spirits.

To appreciate what you have without yearning for more.

To be forever loyal to your best friends and protect them whenever possible.

To enjoy life as it comes. Be quick to adjust to the current activities and events. Have a love for play, let the wind hit your face, be happy to be there, wherever that may be.

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