Firehouse Sale Wrap-Up
Burn Ban Begins July 1
Scenes From 2013 Firehouse Sale
Seven Principles Of Waterwise Gardening
Schilling Road Fire Hall Update
Great Bargains Get Even Better
Thank You for Donating to the HPCC 2013 Silent Auction
Lyle Community Market Every Saturday
Love Those Bluebirds!
Hey, Sprout!
Summer Time is Bookmobile Time!!
Snail Mail Resale
Water Survey Results
2013 High Prairie Directory
EMS Vote
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Gwen Berry
The 14th annual High Prairie Firehouse Sale has come and gone, along with its little sister, the 13-Mile Sale. It’s quiet now at the Alecksons’ haybarn, where not long ago it was a beehive of activity, transformed from utilitarian storage to the grounds of a huge and festive community event and back again within a few short weeks. Chairperson Sharon Aleckson, who worked at full capacity from mid-March through mid-June, says she’s finally feeling like herself again; and others who put in long hours to make it such a big success will echo that sentiment.
And success it was! The current figures for gross receipts are $14,077 from the Firehouse Sale and $3,238 from the 13-Mile Sale, for a total gross of $17,315. Net profit is still being calculated as expenses are paid and the last of the money comes in. Numbers like these make all the work worthwhile, and there’s a sense of satisfaction at once more bringing off such a great event. The High Prairie community does a great job of supporting the Fire District, HPCC, and Community Center!
Next year will bring big changes, since this was the last time for the Firehouse Sale to be held at the haybarn, and Sharon herself is stepping down after 12 straight years of being in charge of the whole she-bang. Sharon and Arlen deserve huge appreciation for their generosity in organizing and then hosting the sale for several years. The HPCC Board of Directors thought so, too. As a big thank-you, they had the truckload of gravel which had been donated to the Silent Auction spread up and down the dusty drive between the haybarn and the house – just what it needed!
Jake Jakabosky
As I write this we have had over a half-inch of rain and it is still drizzling lightly. However, the weatherman is expecting temperatures in the 90s in just a couple of days. Suddenly, summer is upon us. That soggy vegetation, grasses and weeds, in the fields and forests will very shortly turn into flashy fuel that, being pushed by our usual winds, can result in a fast-moving fire. Think Colorado fires of the last year and a half! Also think, “It’s time to complete that mowing and other fuels reduction around the home place.” Let’s all make our property defensible.
The County-wide burn ban will be in place July 1 to October 1, so all outdoor burning is on hold. And please note that burn barrels are illegal and subject to a fine. Please be careful with matches or other sources of ignition in this critical season.
The evening of June 28, Dispatch received a report of “heavy smoke” near Centerville Highway, four miles from Lyle. High Prairie and Lyle Fire Districts scrambled with at least six engines and tenders and over a dozen firefighters. As happens all too often this time of year, throughout Klickitat County, it was only someone’s burn pile. This is a frustrating waste of volunteers’ time, and it is expensive for the Fire Districts.
Yes, we want everyone to continue to report smoke! The District is also working on a simple method for folks to notify us before they do a burn. We would still send an engine to check out any smoke reports in that area, but the rest of the force would be on standby at the station until the situation was confirmed. We hope to have the system operational before October, when the burn ban is lifted. Expect to learn more about this in the September High Prairian.
(click an image to view an enlargement)
Excerpted from Sunset Books’ Waterwise Gardening
1) Planning and Design — Lay out the garden to use water as efficiently as possible, zoning plants so you can water the big water users without waste and placing the lighter water users together elsewhere.
2) Limited Turf Areas — A lawn uses four times as much water as anything else in landscaping.
3) Efficient Irrigation — Use water as thriftily as possible by employing efficient delivery systems, such as drip irrigation in combination with water timers.
4) Soil Improvements — Routinely cultivating the soil and incorporating organic matter into it constantly increases that soil’s ability to conserve water.
5) Mulches — Mulching greatly reduces moisture loss through evaporation, reduces the growth of weeds, and helps slow erosion.
6) Low-water-use Plants — Choose plants that perform well with very limited water, especially those that are well adapted to your region.
7) Appropriate Maintenance — Stop dripping faucets; tune sprinklers and drip systems to maximum efficiency; adjust timers to water only when actually needed; run sprinklers when air is quiet to minimize evaporation; don’t allow irrigation run-off; remove weeds, which also consume water; and so on.
Bill Stallings
The new Schilling Road fire hall project is proceeding. Voter approval of the levy lid lift for Fire District 14 has created borrowing power to construct the new hall, as well as a continuing source of revenue to operate it. The increased levy funds will commence next Spring, but the District presently has a project reserve to begin construction and carry debt service this year. The commissioners are in the process of filling out the pre-application paperwork for the Department of Agriculture loan that will be used for the construction of the building and site prep. Grant money is likely available for some aspects of the project, such as the permanent well, but grant money is never assured until the grant is fully approved.
The commissioners are obtaining quotations on two proposed building configurations, each with four bays to accommodate the four vehicles to be stationed at Schilling Road. The roof will be single-sloped to minimize wind load and enhance rainwater catchment for a cistern feeding a 30,000 gallon tank. The tank can be topped off with Struck Road water until the permanent well is operational.
Each building configuration provides bathroom and office space, but one provides additional space for training and storage. The plan is to alternate training and maintenance meetings between the two fire halls, so the larger building configuration is desirable if the bids are reasonable. Potable water will be provided by easement from the existing Stallings/Cazalet well across Schilling Road. Natural gas for heat is available from the minor main along Schilling Road.
In conjunction with the fire hall project, Diane Cazalet has been collecting signatures on a petition to the County Public Works Department to pave the additional two miles of Schilling Road to the new station. Paving projects will be chosen and prioritized in early October. The current six-year plan calls for only one mile of additional paving sometime in 2015-2018. The petition is to prod County Commissioner support for the department to place Schilling Road in the top tier of their priority list.
Gwen Berry
The bright board by the Silent Auction table may have caught your eye at this year’s Firehouse Sale. The sign proclaimed, “PICK A TAG—A guaranteed bargain every time!” Close to seventy tags hung on the board, each representing a gift certificate generously donated to the Silent Auction by a local business. The price was right—an automatic 30% off the face value of the gift certificate. Shoppers picked the deal they wanted right off the board, paid at the Silent Auction table, and went home with a bargain.
Well, the bargains just got better. The Silent Auction team is offering an additional 10% discount on the gift certificates that are left. They’re listed below. Give Sharon a call to close the deal. 509-365-4429
Was | Now | ||
Impact Automotive, Lyle | Engine oil change | $34 | $20 |
Goldendale Tire Factory, Goldendale | Basic lube | $39 | $23 |
Cornerstone Coffee, Goldendale | Coffee (10)16 oz drinks | $40 | $24 |
Max Fernandez, Centerville | Pick-up load sheep manure | $30 | $18 |
(2) Mountain Motor Sports, Bingen | Merchandise/parts/service | $25 | $15 |
Full Sail Brewing, Hood River | Tasting Room/Pub | $25 | $15 |
Simco Mt. Coffee Co., Goldendale | GC for Coffee drinks | $10 | $6 |
Bubba’s Brew, White Salmon | Gift Certificate | $15 | $9 |
Katerina’s cafe & Catering, Bingen | Gift Certificate | $10 | $6 |
Today’s Chalet Salon/Spa, W. Salmon | 10 tans in tanning bed | $37 | $22 |
Devin’s Tires, The Dalles | Front end align/brake labor | $129 | $77 |
Cascade Cliffs Winery, Wishram | Tour/tasting/appetizers for 4 | $200 | $120 |
Paul Grim, MA, White Salmon | 1-hr Mental Health consult | $100 | $60 |
Bohn’s Printing, The Dalles | Business cards, 1/2 hr setup | $60 | $36 |
Adornment by Janice – Goldendale | Fred Meyer – The Dalles | Milestone Nursery – Lyle |
Aimee’s Attic – Goldendale | Full Sail Brewing – Hood River | Montira’s Thai Cuisine – The Dalles |
Alpine Veterinary Clinic – Bingen | Garden of Weedin – High Prairie | Mount Hood Railroad – Hood River |
Allyn’s Building Center – Goldendale | Garmin GPS Donor – High Prairie | Mountain Motorsports – Bingen |
A-1 Auto Detailing – Hood River | Gee Family Restaurant – Goldendale | Mountain View Excavation – Goldendale |
Antiques & Oddities – Bingen | Glass Onion Restaurant – Goldendale | Myrin Bentz – High Prairie |
Anzac Tea Parlor – The Dalles | Glenwood Rodeo Assoc. – Glenwood | NAPA Auto Parts – Goldendale |
Artisan’s Jewelry – White Salmon | Golden Photo – Goldendale | North Shore Café – White Salmon |
Ayutla’s Mexican Restaurant – Goldendale | Goldendale Chiropractic – Goldendale | Papa Murphy’s – Hood River |
Barbara Parrish – High Prairie | Goldendale Tire Factory – Goldendale | Patrice Archuleta – High Prairie |
Beneventi’s – Bingen | Gorge Heritage Museum – Bingen | Pat’s Place – Goldendale |
Big Jim’s Drive In – The Dalles | Gorge Truck – The Dalles | Petite Provence – The Dalles |
Bohn’s Printing – The Dalles | Granpa’s Toys – Prairie City | Portland Spirit – Portland |
Bon Sante – High Prairie | Griffith’s Motors – The Dalles | Pro Window Cleaning – Wishram |
Bubba’s Brew – White Salmon | Groomingdale’s Pet Salon – White Salmon | Read’s Scrubb N Bubbles – Goldendale |
Candy’s Spa – White Salmon | Holcomb’s Sentry Market – Goldendale | Ryan’s Juice – Hood River |
Car Quest – Goldendale | Hometown Pizza – Goldendale | Safeway – The Dalles |
Carousel Museum – Bickleton | Howlin Good Barkery – High Prairie | Sawyer’s True Value – The Dalles |
Cascade Cliffs Winery – Dallesport | Huntington’s Bar & Grill – Klickitat | Seattle Mariner’s – Seattle |
Cascade Eye Center – The Dalles | Impact Automotive – Lyle | Shannon Martin Girl Designer – Seattle |
Cascade Wellness Center – Trout Lake | Infinity Salon – Bingen | Sharon Aleckson – High Prairie |
CF Custom Guns – High Prairie | Josh & Jennifer Machado – High Prairie | Sheds & Art Outdoor Gallery- Klickitat |
Chris & Susan Sattem – High Prairie | Juanita’s Chips – Hood River | Simcoe Mountain Coffee – Goldendale |
Clark’s Floral – Goldendale | Katina’s Cafe – White Salmon | Simple Dog Treats – Goldendale |
Clock Tower Ales – The Dalles | K-C Pharmacy – Goldendale | Spooky’s Pizza – The Dalles |
Coastal Farm Store – The Dalles | Ken & Jocelyn Weeks – High Prairie | Sportsman Barber Shop – White Salmon |
Columbia Gorge Discovery – The Dalles | Killer Burger – Bingen | Sunshine Gardens & Cupcakes-Goldendale |
Columbia Gorge Hotel – Hood River | Klickitat River Guides –Klickitat | Tad Blouin – High Prairie |
Columbia Gorge Interpretive – Stevenson | Les Schwab – Goldendale | The General Store – Goldendale |
Corner Pocket – Lyle | Les Schwab – The Dalles | The Glass Onion – Goldendale |
Cornerstone Coffee – Goldendale | Linda Cox – High Prairie | The History Museum – Hood River |
Dairy Queen – The Dalles | Linens Wholesale – Oakley, ID | The McCready Co – Goldendale |
Darlene Johnson – White Salmon | Los Reyes Mexican Restaurant – Bingen | The Pink Saddle – Goldendale |
Dave Brown – White Salmon | Lyle Lions Club – Lyle | The Presby Museum – Goldendale |
Devin’s Tires – The Dalles | Maryhill Museum – Goldendale | The Sunshine Mill Winery – The Dalles |
Dickey’s Farm Store – Bingen | Maryhill Winery – Goldendale | Today’s Chalet – White Salmon |
DJ’s Repair – Bingen | Maison de Glace Winery – The Dalles | Tony’s Town & Country – The Dalles |
Dona Taylor – High Prairie | Max Fernandez – Centerville | WAAAM Air Museum – Hood River |
Double Mountain Brewery – Hood River | McDonald’s – Goldendale | Walgreen’s – The Dalles |
El Rinconcito Express – Bingen | Mike Calloway – White Salmon | White Salmon Eyecare – White Salmon |
Everybody’s Brewing – White Salmon |
The Lyle Community Market will be in full swing when you receive this newsletter. It will run every Saturday from June 1st through September 21st, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the green space at the Lyle Activity Center. Fresh fruits and veggies, homemade bread, “Black Gold” compost, artwork, popcorn, fresh flowers for an amazing price, goat soap, veggie starts, and much more are all available now.
You’ll find ethnic food offerings that change weekly, as well as delicious pastries and sandwiches.
The Community Market is a great way to meet up with neighbors and support local merchants and community members. Market organizers would love to see more shoppers and vendors; booths are free for anyone 18 and under. One yard sale space is available each week for $5. Extra veggie donations are welcome at the community table. If they don’t sell, they will go to Lyle Senior Lunch (never to waste). If you have any questions, call Sherri at 360-608-5916.
Jake Jakabosky

Western Bluebird. Illustration: National Geographic Wild Bird
Project (
Everyone loves bluebirds and most everyone has installed one or more nest boxes. These boxes are important as natural nesting cavities are scarce and there’s a lot of competition for those that are available.
Now is the time to watch nest boxes that are currently housing a family or are stuffed with last year’s nesting material. Bluebirds can raise 2 or 3 broods a year, but the old material should be removed and, preferably, destroyed, soon after the fledglings leave the nest. Purging the box encourages the adults to re-nest and removes any residual parasites. Complete “bug” removal can be accomplished by dusting the inside with 1% rotenone powder, a pyrethrin spray or by singeing with a propane torch (just be careful of sparks in the dry grass).
If the adults build a new nest on top of the old one, even in a properly designed box, the eggs and nestlings can be so close to the opening they may be destroyed by predators like raccoons, opossums, starlings, and kestrels. If the birds have already started re-nesting, leave them be. At the end of summer, and before February, do a final cleaning, clearing of drain holes, and any necessary repairs. Expect more about bluebirds and proper nest box construction in a future article.
Victoria Singer
When I was younger and more flexible, I loved gardening. Now, I’m looking for ways to “grow my own” without so much pain. One of my options is sprouting.
I was introduced to alfalfa sprouts by the college deli. Their mild flavor and juicy crunch made them a great addition to sandwiches. Of course, there were bean sprouts featured in Chinese dishes. And a few years ago, I accidentally grabbed a package of radish sprouts in the store; they added a spicy bite to my salads.
So I started reading about sprouting with flavor and texture in mind. To my surprise, I learned that sprouts are also nutritional superheroes! As they germinate and begin to grow, their carbohydrates and fats lower, protein increases and becomes more available, vitamin content soars, & digestibility improves (less gas). Some sprouts have huge bonuses of anti-cancer agents. Some are especially good for diabetics.
The list of things one can sprout also astonished me. You’ve probably seen some in the market: alfalfa, radish, mung bean. Did you know you can sprout almost any grain, seed, legume, or nut? They have some of the flavor of the mature plant. Scallion sprouts, then, taste oniony; radish sprouts are a little peppery; almond sprouts are nutty; and so on.
Of course, you want to be sure to use food-grade seeds. Those packaged for gardening are often given protective coatings that you don’t really want to eat. There are several places you can order organic seeds on the internet. But anything you have in your pantry can work.
The process is amazingly simple. You need a container, such as a canning jar; a screen lid (could be nylon netting fastened with a rubber band); something to sprout; and water. Soak a tablespoon or two of seeds for an hour, then drain. Set the jar anywhere convenient (but not in direct sunlight) and more-or-less upside down, so your seeds are not sitting in a puddle. Rinse and drain twice a day.
Some sprouts are ready in a couple of days, though larger and harder-shelled things take longer. Harvest sprouts when they begin to develop their first leaves. You can rinse the seed hulls off in a colander, or munch the whole crunchy package. Store in the ‘fridge, for a few days only. Enjoy!
The Bookmobile will be at High Prairie’s old fire station on Centerville Highway from 9:45 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. on the following dates:
July 2, 16, 30 and August 13, 27
“The bookmobile is a public library and contains a wide variety of materials for both adults and children. Each bookmobile holds approximately 2,000 frequently changed items, but the selection available to you isn’t restricted to what’s on the bookmobile. All books owned by the district, plus many more titles that can be borrowed from other libraries, are all available for your use. Just ask our staff for help finding what you need.” (from the library’s website)
Patrice Archuleta
“A Little Bit of Everything from Everywhere”
Owned and operated by Patrice & James Archuleta.
We purchased the building (the Old Post Office) on Hwy #14 and 5th Street in downtown Lyle several years ago. Jacob Williams Winery rented the building for 3 years until they moved to their own new location in Avery. After the winery left we tried for many months to lease the building to another business. No takers.
In the summer of last year several friends got together and held garage sales from the building. The sales were successful, and our young friends urged James and I to continue with the sales. Having managed a thrift shop for ten years in California I knew the work involved so I was hesitant to move forward.
The shop and the universe had other plans. It seemed to take on a life of its own. Fairly quickly other friends were bringing items for sale on consignment, giving us display tables and counters. A consignment store in The Dalles just happened to be going out of business and all of her clothing, hangers and racks were offered to us at a reasonable price. So there you go. The shop with its own mind is born.
We have been open almost a year. The support from folks in Lyle and High Prairie has been very encouraging. Locals are by far our main customer base. We are now receiving consignment clothes of great quality from White Salmon, Hood River and all the little towns surrounding Lyle. Many times we have a good selection of quality tools, furniture, children and baby clothes, shoes, sports gear and a plethora of collectibles and housewares.
We are also pleased to be able to provide families in need with necessary clothing, shoes or miscellaneous items. This year we were able to give away prom dresses and a few dress coats to young students, and a large array of baby items to young families. Thanks to everyone for your support and especially to Myrt for her expertise and advice.
Snail Mail Resale is open Thursday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you have items to consign please call Patrice for details and appointment: 509-637-4436 or 365-5458.
High Prairie Fire District 14, Jake Jakabosky
Our pagers are going off. It’s the tone for a High Prairie Fire District #14 emergency – a structure fire! Every available firefighter drops what they’re doing and responds to the fire hall, jumping into heavy bunker gear, donning a protective shroud and a helmet. In Lyle, FD #4 also rushes to provide automatic aid.
The first volunteer to arrive has already opened the overhead door and fired up Engine 1411, our primary engine for structure fires. Someone else will take charge of the big diesel tender loaded with 4,000 gallons of water. We check to see that each others’ shrouds are properly fitted over our heads and under the collar as we climb into the engine. Some will proceed to strap on the SCBAs (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) built into the seats. Now underway with lights and siren, we assign duties and share whatever personal knowledge we have of the property we are responding to.
Once on scene, the engine is positioned in a protected location facing away from the fire. The pump is immediately started. One person monitors the pump pressure, while another sets the chocks under the tires. Someone lays out a tarp with all the tools that the firefighters might require, and other volunteers begin deploying hoses to strategic locations. One firefighter walks around the building shutting off the gas and electricity and determining where the worst of the fire seems to be. The Incident Commander radios Goldendale Dispatch with a size-up of the fire and requests mutual aid if needed.
Shortly, Lyle’s crew arrives on scene and the Incident Commander assembles qualified firefighters into two 2-person teams, one to enter the house and knock down the flames while the second team stands ready at the door to provide aid to the first if necessary. Another team may be deployed to the roof with a chainsaw and axe to vent the building and access the fire from there. With this efficient and well-coordinated effort the fire can quickly be brought under control.
TEAMWORK is a key message here! Teamwork is essential to the District’s emergency response efforts. This is where all the training together pays off, knowing we can depend upon each other in a crisis. There’s a sense of group commitment to an essential activity, the pride in being part of a team providing such important service to our community, friends, and neighbors. Plus, of course, there’s the fun of hanging out with such a great group.
The Fire Commissioners are currently moving forward on building a new fire hall on Schilling Road, and to staff it, the District will be adding more firefighters at all levels. Not every recruit needs to qualify to enter burning buildings. Fighting a fire involves a lot of different tasks, and the more people who are helping the more it frees up others to take on more complex duties.
Men and women who want to be part of a great group of dedicated people in often-exciting work, protecting neighbors’ property or even their own, are encouraged to join the department — especially people living in the east part of High Prairie. The District provides training materials and periodic courses. During training, members can challenge themselves, learn new life skills, become an integral part of the team, and discover how great it feels to serve their community.
If you’d like more information, call Jake (365-0025) or Chief Doug Hutchison (509-590- 5938). Volunteers meet the 1st Tuesday of the month to maintain the equipment and the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for training, always from 7 to 9 p.m.
Rachael Carlson & Gwen Berry
The last issue of The High Prairian included a collection of articles concerning various aspects of our shared water resource, as well as a survey on individual water use practices. Our intention was to open a dialog about water issues, using The High Prairian as one conduit for that conversation. The responses show a broad awareness of the limited water available on High Prairie and offer a variety of creative strategies being employed by our neighbors to conserve that limited resource. Other results:
Less than half said they had been affected by the issue of water availability on High Prairie, but all reported they were doing things to conserve water.
Most said that with more information they’d try some new things, particularly in the areas of rainwater catchment systems, using greywater, drought-resistant landscaping, and low-water gardening.
All respondents had some degree of concern about water availability here, with most concerns focusing on local water use practices, potential development, and county and state water policies.
They all pretty much agreed that, since the issue of water availability can affect all of us, and we all have an effect on it, we would benefit from addressing the issue together.
Some of the water-saving observations and strategies:
“Well has dropped 20’ in 9 years”
“We have been attempting to take rainwater off our house . . . Our goal is to avoid a well altogether but ignorance is getting in the way.”
“We’re in process of construction—will have composting toilet which will save at least 40% of typical water consumption.”
“1. we have a small family of 2 (won’t work for everyone!)
2. we only take showers/baths when we are dirty, so not every day
3. we only do full loads of laundry & run dishwasher when it is full
4. we do not have a lawn
5. we use drip irrigation on a timer to water our vegetable & flower gardens
6. we have a rain barrel to capture run off when it rains
7. we only flush the toilet when necessary”
“~We keep a pitcher next to the sink to collect the water that would be wasted waiting for it to heat up in the morning. I use this for house plants and porch pots.
~We place a small collapsible sink inside the kitchen sink to wash just a few dishes. It takes a small amount of water to fill and discourages washing under running water. Ours is made by Progressive and is $14 from Amazon.
~A great online resource:”
“Drip system. Mulching keeps weeds down and soil/roots cool, reduces evaporation, reduces transpiration by grass/weeds.”
“We feel a strong responsibility to live what we know to be true: that our water is a finite and shared resource, and that, as a family, it is our responsibility to be good stewards of that resource for ourselves and for this community.”
“Encourage friends/neighbors to conserve. Pressure county to limit development. Community develop ways to monitor water levels in more wells.”
“Lobby the county to require a small water system for folks who break up 20’s into 5’s . . . would be nice to have 1 well serve the 4 lots. Many advantages to sharing a well.”
“As the climate changes/development occurs, the water in the area is only going to become tighter. This area needs to embrace all options that exist.”
“Motto: A million dollar property is worthless without a water resource. Say this in every conversation and article regarding water.”
Get inspired! Read them all at 2013-water-use-survey-results.
Cindy Henchell
Did you know that High Prairie has its own community directory? It’s a handy resource if you are trying to reach a neighbor or if you need a road map of the area.
There have been many changes to the Community Directory since it was last published in 2011 so it’s time to put out a call to update your listing or add your information, as needed, so we can make a new one available. Inclusion in the directory is voluntary and, if you choose to join in, the amount of information that you list is up to you. The directory is not available to the general public and it will only be sent to the people who are listed in the directory. The listings are not intended to advertise businesses, however purchasing ad space is available (see Advertising in The HIgh Prairian, p. 2 sidebar). The directory listings typically include:
Name(s) of household members
Physical address on High Prairie
Mailing address, if different
Phone numbers (landline and mobile)
Email address
Hobbies or special interests
There is also a (reasonably current) road map showing the County roads and some of the private roads.
You may add/change your information by completing the form on the website ( or by sending the information by email to or by snail-mail to Directory c/o 950 High Prairie Road, Lyle. If you are already listed and your information is current, there is no need to send it again.
When the 2013 directory is completed those who submitted information will be notified. If you provided an email address (even if you don’t wish to have it published) you will get an email with a PDF version of the directory. Print several and keep one in your home and others in your vehicles. No worries if you don’t have email. We will gladly send one to you in the mail.
VOTE AUGUST 6 for the new Klickitat County Emergency Medical Service District #1
Vote YES to ensure that Advanced Life Support EMS is available for you and your family. (Without the new EMS District, ambulance service will be cut way back.) High Prairie taxes for EMS will actually go down (from 34 mils to 30 mils) when the EMS District is established. Be sure and send in your ballot – it needs 60% yes to pass, and a minimum of 40% of voters from last year’s presidential election must vote for this election to be validated. More info at