Vol. 16, No. 3



Complications Delay Two Schilling Road Projects:
Schilling Road Fire Hall and Schilling Road Paving Project
Tribute To Doug & Dona
High Prairie Community Council
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream
Reaching Out To The Community
Long-Anticipated Observatory Trip A Success!
The Dalles Look-Back
HPFD Completes Upgrades
Fire and Rescue Personnel Changes/Activities
Quick Tips From The Chief
Mr. Crocker’s Cat-Astrophe
New Edition Of High Prairie Directory
Amanda’s Hints & Tips:
How To Make Vanilla Extract
Scenes of Summer


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Complications Delay Two Schilling Road Projects

Schilling Road Fire Hall

Philip Haner

The High Prairie Fire Commissioners are continuing to work on the new Schilling Road Fire Hall project. As we reported in our December 2015 update, the one complete bid we received for construction of the building exceeded our budget by quite a bit. Since then, we’ve been busy gathering all the information and applying for a USDA loan to make up the difference between our budget and the projected actual cost.

However, part of the process has hit a snag.  We filed nearly all the paperwork for the USDA loan but discovered we were missing our last financial statements that we turn in to the State of Washington for auditing purposes – something the secretary and the commissioners overlooked (oops!) for both the State and the loan. Then, during the time we were working to finish the State audit (and subsequently have the necessary paperwork for the USDA loan) our Department secretary resigned, and we had a virus attack on the computer used by the secretary. Both the High Prairie and Lyle Fire Districts lost most of their electronic data. Paper was still filed but had to be re-entered electronically.

While it’s taken some time to both find and train a new secretary and rebuild the electronic database, we are back on track for getting the financial information needed to finish the application for the loan. By the time this goes to print the financial information should be complete. Once that’s done, we will go through the USDA loan, update anything that has changed, and resubmit the loan paperwork. Fortunately, most the 20 or so forms that we already filled out for the loan can be redone with just new signatures and dates. After that, we wait, again, to see if they will approve the loan. It’s unfortunate that this has taken a year off our timeline; but we are committed to continuing with the project, and we will be building a station out on Schilling Road as soon as we can.

Please contact me if there is any other information I can provide. (fishead1966@gmail.com)

Schilling Road Paving Project

Gwen Berry

The Schilling Road paving project has also hit a snag, which will delay it until at least next spring. According to Gene Zitterkopf, who spoke to Klickitat County Public Works Director, Gordon Kelsey, at least one landowner has balked at allowing the county to use a small piece of their property for the necessary straightening of curves on Schilling Road. The county is considering its options, but expects agreements to be reached without resorting to legal measures. The county is still actively working on the project and is currently fine-tuning the advertisement to be placed asking for construction bids. The work is planned for sometime next summer.

In the meantime, says Gene, the unpaved road has deteriorated without its normal maintenance, which wasn’t done because the paving was supposed to happen this past summer. He encourages anyone affected by the rough road to call the county and add their voice to the request that it be graded asap. The phone numbers for Public Works are 509-773-4616 or 800-583-8074.

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Tribute To Doug & Dona

Anna Purcell


Every once-in-a-lifetime some truly wonderful, kind and generous people come into our lives. Though they may not realize it, Doug and Dona Taylor are just such people. They are always happy to greet everyone and share some kindly conversation, the way it used to be before we all got in too much of a hurry with our lives to stop and “smell the roses.” They give much and hardly know it. How humbling.

It truly impresses me.

To quote Kahlil Gibran, “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” That is Doug and Dona. They give of themselves in so many ways, including letting us in the community use their land and water so we may enjoy the fruits from the “Garden of Weedin.”

I recently had a small group of women over for a tea for Dona. I wish I had more space because I know a lot of people would love to have been there to pay tribute to Dona. The ladies brought gifts and told stories, my favorite being from her sister-in-law, Lorna Dove. She said that Dona was such a good cook at the prison (she worked there for a while) that prisoners were deliberately getting back inside just to enjoy her cooking. I know it was that, and more importantly she gave them respect. Being unaccustomed to it, they appreciated it. Gosh how I would like to be more like Dona and Doug!

Doug and Dona, you are greatly admired  for the special people you are. We thank you for your ongoing interest in the people in this community and for your friendship. Bless you both.

anna-purcell-an-abundance-of-zukesBut now in September the garden has cooled, and with it my possessiveness. The sun warms my back instead of beating on my head … The harvest has dwindled, and I have grown apart from the intense midsummer relationship that brought it on.

—Robert Finch


< Anna Purcell and an abundance of zukes and cukes


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High Prairie Community Council


I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream

Gwen Berry

Despite the fact that no one stepped forward last spring to assume the office of President, the High Prairie Community Council Board of Directors has been keeping right on with the business of managing the Community Center, planning the annual budget, handling funds, researching improvements to the kitchen and the Center’s acoustics, and making plans for fun social events.

The first such event happens this coming Thursday evening, September 22, at 7 p.m., when HPCC is having an “ice cream social” to sweeten their regular September meeting. They’ll have a variety of flavors, regular and chocolate whipped-cream topping, and chopped nuts; and there’ll be plenty of time for reconnecting with friends and neighbors you’ve been too busy to see over the summer.

First, a speaker from the Klickitat County American Red Cross will talk about disaster preparedness, the support they provide, how our community can help and how our members can be better prepared. Then they’ll get into the meat of the HPCC meeting.

Think a *meeting* automatically means boring? Au contraire! You’ll find out what the HPCC is proposing to do with all the money you worked so hard to help earn at the Firehouse Sale. You’ll get to help put the official stamp of approval on the $5,000 promised to the High Prairie Fire District to buy new turnouts (see Fire Lines article for more info). You’ll also find out what might be done to improve the dishwashing situation in the kitchen, which may have a direct bearing on whether HPCC can offer their classy and delicious Christmas dinner this year, and hear what improvements to the room’s acoustics are in the offing. The Board has promised to keep everything succinct and efficient so the meeting doesn’t drag. And then you get ice cream!

Reaching Out To The Community

Audrey Bentz

There are many ways that volunteers for the HPCC reach out to the community or work to make the community a better place. Two longtime volunteers have decided to trade the jobs they’ve been doing; and they need all High Prairians to be their “eyes and ears” so they can do their jobs thoroughly.

Myrt McKercher (365-9576 or mandtmc@gmail.com) will be the new “Sunshine” person, sending remembrances to those who might be ill, losing a family member, or having a special celebration. So if you know of anyone that fits this description, please send that information to Myrt.

Audrey Bentz (amsong@gorge.net) will be the new “Meeter and Greeter.” When you are aware of a new resident on High Prairie, please get that information to her so she can bring them a welcome basket and a warm welcome to our area.

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Long-Anticipated Observatory Trip A Success!

Gwen Berry

The invitation first appeared in the High Prairian back in March – High Prairie Night at the Goldendale Observatory. It was to happen on April 13, but as the date approached the weather refused to cooperate. The trip was rescheduled for early May, but the skies were still hidden by clouds. Another new date, June 30, was foiled by upgrades to the observatory’s telescope. Finally, on August 24, the long-awaited High Prairie Observatory Night took place.

Around 25 High Prairians turned out for the trip to the observatory. Although the new main telescope wasn’t available because some essential parts still hadn’t arrived, it was more than made up for by the beautiful evening, views of Venus and Saturn through smaller outdoor telescopes, and the amusing and informative presentations by Troy Carpenter, Observatory Director.

As people arrived, everyone stood outside and enjoyed the lingering evening and the scenic views from the observatory’s deck. Venus became visible low on the western horizon, and a telescope and high-powered binoculars were arranged for close-up viewing. Venus was in close conjunction that week with Jupiter and Mercury, though Mercury had already gone below the horizon by the time it was dark enough to see it.

An indoor presentation followed. Since the audience included a group of kids involved in robotics, that evening’s program focused on robotic functions in space, including the requirements and obstacles that engineers have to design for and lots of funny, fun, and interesting information about our man-made satellites and exploratory missions.

After dark, everyone traipsed outside just in time to see a “satellite flare,” which happens whenever reflective surfaces on a satellite send sunlight directly toward earth. With no moon in the sky to dim it, the Milky Way was clear and bright (although it was easy to see why the Observatory is talking with the City of Goldendale about  lowering Goldendale’s ambient light level). Saturn, Mars, and the star Antares were easy to find lined up in the southern sky, and the small telescope was set up to show Saturn and its rings. It was all accompanied by an entertaining presentation about space and the stars.

Thank you to Audrey Bentz and James Day, whose persistence in scheduling and rescheduling High Prairie Night at the Goldendale Observatory led to a great evening for those who went on the trip. Thank you, also, to presenter Troy Carpenter, who could have had a career on Comedy Central if he hadn’t gone into astronomy.

There’s no need to wait for another High Prairie Night to visit the observatory. Although the summer schedule ends on September 30, from October 1 through March 31 the observatory will be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, with a solar program at 2 p.m. and an evening show at 6 p.m. (info at www.goldendaleobservatory.com). There are advantages to going in the winter. It gets dark earlier, so you don’t have to stay up as late to see the stars. And when winter skies are clear they’re really clear, so you can see even more.

(click images for an enlarged view)

Top (l–r) Enjoying the warm summer evening, Getting a view of Venus up close, James Day adjusting high powered binoculars, Listening to the evening presentation.
Bottom: Troy Carpenter pointing out Venus in the west

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The Dalles Look-Back

John Parr

1960’s – Eisenhower’s federal interstate highway program is in full swing! The two-lane Columbia Gorge Highway is completely torn apart from hell to breakfast (so to speak) with multiple construction contracts ongoing! Roy Houck Sr. has the contract section from The Dalles dam westward through The Dalles city.

The Oregon State Highway Dept. (OSHD, now the ODOT) performed their own engineering during that time frame. Our survey crew staked the main highway complete with the boat basin and all overpass interchanges.

General Construction Dredging was subcontracted to pump gravel fill out of the Columbia River, placing thousands of cubic yards into the area east and west of the boat basin. From out of the dredge pipes came hundreds of ancient Indian artifacts that included agate spearheads, arrowheads, beads, net anchors, stone knives, scrapers, and (1) paint pot. A sad issue here was that many baby sturgeon were sucked into the dredge and came flopping out onto the gravel fill! Many of the survey crew members stopped working just to pick up artifacts and to take some of the baby sturgeon home into their fish ponds. Nobody took the time to release them back into the river.

During construction it was common in the morning to see Indians loading U-Haul trailers with 8 and 9-foot sturgeon and then heading for Portland with their catch.

Roy Houck Construction also moved thousands of cubic yards of fill from a slide area south of The Dalles dam, utilizing twin engine TS-24 scrapers pulling belly dump trailers. Roadbed work was accomplished fast! The sub-grade became so tight, our survey crew had to jackhammer holes just to place grade stakes. The July temperature was 110° to 115° with no shade.

Construction is not without danger, and two people died on this project. To remove the old piling in the boat basin, a ring of cast iron sash weights with dynamite was dropped around the piling. The explosion cut the piling off at the mud line. One such piling came down and killed a worker. This was followed by another death where a heavy scraper tire snapped a rock sideways, hitting a worker just under his hard hat.

In those days construction workers were called “boomers.” They were everywhere in the Columbia Gorge. You could be hired and fired in the same day, move on up the gorge, and get hired again! Everybody worked. I shared a basement apartment in The Dalles with construction workers and others. We had a rather strange diet, with an Arden Dairy man bringing all the cottage cheese, ice cream and milk we could handle. Our game poacher brought in trout and venison from the Hood River area. Not to be left out of this equation was a drunk that supplied us with “Old Overholt,” a straight grain whiskey. Chess just happened to be the game of the evening.

Our survey crew worked from Rufus, Oregon, through The Dalles. Most of the time we ate our lunch inside the old government dock warehouse (remember it??) and our favorite card games were “Cribbage” and “Hearts.”

History is easily buried in the ashes of time.


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Fire Lines


Jake Jakabosky

HPFD Completes Upgrades

Thanks to a $5,000 grant from the High Prairie Community Council, the Department was able to purchase two complete sets of structure fire turnouts (aka bunker gear) to replace seriously dated and worn out gear. In addition, the Department itself funded two more sets, for a total of four.

The HPCC funding is one of the many benefits to the community resulting from the annual Firehouse Sale. A big THANK YOU from your fire and rescue volunteers to the community.

jake-jakabosky-dave-thom-in-new-turnoutsjake-jakabosky-dave-thom-new-turnouts-from-the-backOne complete set of turnouts consists of a coat, trousers, boots, head shroud, helmet and gloves. This gear is made of expensive fire-resistant fabrics and other materials, thus the cost. Our firefighters expressed relief at the lightweight nature of the gear, which enables them to move easier and faster, unlike the old bulky turnouts that required considerable effort to work in.

Another grant for the second year in a row from the Legends Casino in Toppenish resulted in the purchase of three more new Bendix King Command radios. Thank you, Legends Casino.

And a third grant from the Washington Department of Natural Resources for $4,700 enabled us to install a foam firefighting unit on our old work horse apparatus #1422. The eight-gallon foam unit will add even more versatility to this truck’s utility in fighting both structure and wildland fires.

The Department training room in the fire hall now has new carpet, lights and two windows, making it much more useful.

Fire and Rescue Personnel Changes/Activities

Our Fire Commissioners now have a new Administrative Assistant. Welcome aboard to Glenna Scott who will record the proceedings at meetings, play “gopher” to the Commissioners and do a whole lot more.

Riley Haner, our youngest volunteer, is off to Western Washington University in Bellingham where he plans to specialize in either engineering or biology in the Honors Program. Riley hopes to spend some quality time in the nearby mountains when not studying, going hiking, biking and skiing (hope he took good rain gear!).

This summer Department volunteers responded to State mobilization requests and earned some cash for the District. Ron McDonald and Dave Thom went to the Snake River fire near Pomeroy for three days (and discovered yellowjacket bees are thick in that area and hate to be disturbed). Philip Haner and RonMcDonald also spent three days, plus travel time, on the Suncrest fire in Leavenworth, and Will Conley was there even longer serving as Task Force Leader.

Last, but certainly not least, Dave Thom states he plans to retire from being retired, and do nothing!  (We all know better, as he is always the first to the hall in an emergency and is often found at home working on Department radios and the apparatus electronics.)

Quick Tips From the Chief

—Have you checked your smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries this year? On many detectors it just takes the push of a button. Better yet, replace those batteries on a regular basis.

—Prepare for the upcoming winter heating season by cleaning your chimney and woodstove. In addition, the placement of a cap on the chimney will keep out birds and other wildlife that can cause damage or force smoke into the house.

—Dryer lint caught in the exhaust pipe elbows and connectors can be the source of a fire and reduce the efficiency of your appliance.

—Remember, the Burn Ban is still in effect at least through the end of September. That means NO open burning. Even after the ban is lifted, be extremely cautious, as fuels left from summer will still be tinder-dry for some time.

–When burning is finally allowed, that is the time to remove ladder fuels (lower limbs) from your pine trees and burn the slash so it doesn’t promote beetle infestations.

Speaking of burning, before you light off that slash pile, please notify the Sheriff’s Dispatch of your location (509-773-4547). All too often, concerned citizens call 911 to report a fire, not knowing it’s an attended burn pile, resulting in your volunteers taking time away from their families and whatever they are doing to respond to the page.

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Ted McKercher

In 1966, almost ten years after graduating from high school where I had been on the track team, I decided to try getting in shape again. With thoughts of trying out for the local semi-pro football team, I started going to the track at my old high school, Gresham Union High School, after work to run in my old military brogans. I soon realized I really did not want to play football, but liked running; and with encouragement and companionship from my old friend, Gene, we began running after work.

We soon worked our way up to a mile, then two, and I was hooked! But, Gene wasn’t. Soon, two miles wasn’t enough! I theorized if I could run two miles, four should not be too much harder. Then six and eight fascinated me.

But this running story isn’t really about me. You see, I graduated from my old high school track to the Mt. Hood Community College track. I would go there, jog a few laps and then hit the road for some mileage. One evening in July in the early 1970’s, I was doing my usual routine when a short, slightly chubby guy stopped me and asked how often I ran and if he could run with me a little way. He told me where he lived and since it was on my route, he asked me to pick him up as I am running by. “Sure,” I said.

So, Wally and I started running together. Wally would run shirtless. With the sun on his back, he would curse his shadow that showed his “love handles” bouncing up and down! At 160-plus lbs., Wally was about 20 lbs. overweight for a normal person; even more so for a runner.

After running together for a couple of weeks at Wally’s pace, I decided to pick it up. From the College, we jogged about a mile to get warm and then picked up the pace. My thoughts were, “Okay, Wally, now we’re going to hit it.” We ran east on Stark Street near MHCC, the sun at our backs. I was not going to show any sympathy….I started striding out and my running companion started dropping back! Soon I couldn’t see his shadow. The pad, pad, pad sound of his footsteps was gone. Soon I could not hear his breathing. I did not look back.

Possibly a mile or so later, I heard him breathing: PUFF, PUFF, PUFF! Then came the soft pad, pad, pad; soon his shadow started creeping up along side of me! We were running TOGETHER!

Wally and I ran a lot the next couple of months, taking turns laying out courses and leading the runs. We pushed each other hard at times. We ran some grueling hills, the worst being from the main street in Troutdale up to Stark Street via Troutdale Road. Wally never lagged behind again. He continued to curse his dwindling love handled shadow. While grinding up the courses we had chosen, he often said “Bowerman says short runners run up hill better.” Wally did!

Wally went to the U. of O. that Fall, curtailing our partnership running. I kept up with him for awhile, but I’m not a very good “keeper-upper” so we eventually lost track of one another. I did see him once though. He was wearing some very baggy, worn clothes, sort of what one would expect a married, “starving” college student to wear. Even though he was determined to succeed as a student, he also kept running.

In October of that year, at 130 lbs. and no “love handles,” Wally posted a three hour marathon – 26.2 miles in three hours! That is a shade less than nine miles per hour!

Another aging friend says, “All we have at our age is memories.” Maybe, but some of them are of amazing people. I often think of Wally and miss him.

I’d like to go for a run.

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Mr. Crocker’s Cat-Astrophe

Rebecca Sonniksen

“I’ve got a catastrophe,” Mr. Stanley Crocker told Marcia Buser of Columbia Gorge Cat Rescue (CGCR).  Mr. Crocker, at 96, needed help with an unexpected number of kittens he found one morning on his porch.

“I had four female cats, I couldn’t trap this past fall, and now they’ve all had kittens; 13 in all.”

As volunteers for CGCR, whose mission is to spay/neuter feral cats, Marcia contacted me and Elke Neubauer to meet Mr. Crocker and come up with a plan. We met Mr. Crocker at his ranch on Simcoe Mountain Road in Centerville, home to the Crockers since the 1890’s.

We followed him in his Gator as he headed around the garage, where the mother cats had set up house.

“You should see what happens when I bring out the food. They come out and gather around my feet. I just bought $65 worth of cat food! I know if I don’t get them fixed soon, I will end up with 100!! So what can you do for them? You won’t put them to sleep will you?”

“No, if they can be socialized we’ll find homes for the kittens, but we’ll need to bring back the adult cats.”

That was okay with Mr. Crocker, because according to his grandfather, he knew a well-fed, fixed cat is the best hunter.

Elke and I set up the traps made available by CGCR and explained to Mr. Crocker when to bait them with food.  Over a period of several weeks, and more than a dozen attempts, the kittens, mothers, and Mr. Tom were trapped and taken to one of the several CGCR spay/neuter clinics held at the Lyle Activity Center.

Elke fostered the kittens in her home, so they could be socialized for adoption at two Portland Petco locations. The kittens were adopted, including two that captured the hearts of Elke and her husband Frank.

In addition to caring for cats, Mr. Crocker loves his horses, all 17 of them. Renowned for their accomplishments in competitive rodeo events as well as horse races, he is deserving of his reputation as a breeder of horses of quality, color, and performance.

Mr. Crocker’s family originally immigrated from Finland, coming out on the train to this area to farm  wheat.  Many of the original structures are still remaining on the farm, including a round barn built in 1915 which is registered with the state of Washington as a Heritage Barn.  His wife of 70 years passed away in 2011. Mr. Crocker has three sons —two in the area and one in Arizona, six grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

mr-crocker-elke-neubauerThanks to the kindness of Mr. Crocker and the volunteers at CGCR, these cats and kittens along with many more now have a chance at a better and longer life.

To make a donation, schedule an appointment, adopt a cat, find a barn cat, or check out more resources, go to their web page, www.gorgecat.org.

Mr. Crocker and Elke Neubauer >

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New Edition Of High Prairie Directory

Cindy Henchell, Gwen Berry

pic-of-hp-directoryThe High Prairie Community Directory is a useful little book with the names, addresses and phone numbers of many of your neighbors and friends on High Prairie. It also contains a (reasonably current) road map of High Prairie showing the county roads and some of the private roads. Being in the directory is completely voluntary, and it is not available to the general public. The finished directory is  sent only to the people who are listed in it. If you choose to join in, the amount of information that you list is up to you (although the listings are not intended to advertise businesses).

The directory listings typically include:

Name(s) of household members
Physical address on High Prairie
Mailing address (if different)
Phone numbers (landline and cell)
Email addresses
Special interests

Why be listed? With your name and information in the directory, people can extend invitations, let you know about activities, notify you when something urgent is going on, or check on you in an emergency. Since you get all the others’ information, too, you’ll be able to reach that person you just met last night at yoga class, contact someone you’ve known for years but suddenly have a reason to call, or call around to get news of what’s happening.

The directory has not been updated since October 2014, and work is underway on a 2016 edition. Now is the time to review and update your information (if you’re already listed in the community directory), or to put in a new listing. You have until October 31, 2016, to submit information.

There are 3 easy ways to update your information or add your listing:

Complete the form on the High Prairie website (https://www.highprairie.us/general-information/community-directory/)

Send the information by email to editor@highprairie.us

Send it by snail-mail to HP Directory, c/o 950 High Prairie Road, Lyle.

When the updated directory is completed, those who submitted information will be notified. If you provided an email address (even if you don’t wish to have it published) you will get an email with a PDF version of the directory. Print several and keep one in your home and others in your vehicles. No worries if you don’t have email. We will gladly send one to you in the mail.

For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together.  For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad.

—Edwin Way Teale

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Amanda’s Hints & Tips

Amanda Richards

I love to give homemade gifts for Christmas presents. One of my favorites to make is vanilla extract. Now is the time to make vanilla, as it needs to sit for about 6 weeks. I buy a pound of beans and keep them in an airtight bag and store the bag inside a sealed canning jar. Buying your vanilla beans in bulk is much more economical than at the grocery store, where two beans goes for about $12 dollars. It may pay to shop around for a good price—the price has jumped this year due to a bad harvest in Madagascar. You can compare prices online, and there are also reports that Costco and Trader Joe’s sometimes have vanilla beans at a good price.

How to Make Vanilla Extract

1 bottle of inexpensive vodka or rum
As many vanilla beans as can fit inside the bottle (10–30)!

Pour out a couple of ounces of liquor from the bottle, retain it in a glass.

Slice each vanilla bean from top to bottom in half. (Tip: Pierce the vanilla bean with a sharp knife and pull the bean, rather than pulling on your knife.)

Push the beans into the bottle until you cannot fit anymore beans..

Add enough liquor back into the bottle to completely cover the beans.

Let sit for 6 weeks, shaking every couple of days. You will see the liquor become a gorgeous dark brown.

After 6 weeks, decant the vanilla into small gift-sized bottles. I like to put on a nice label.

I’ve found that the beans still retain a lot of seeds after the first decanting, so I usually add another bottle full of liquor and let it sit for a few months. This extract won’t be as potent as the first decant, so I double the amount in my recipes.

Have vanilla beans left?

Put a whole bean in a container of sugar, let sit for a week or two and voila, you have vanilla sugar. A special treat for your morning coffee.  Another nice, easy gift to package for a gift.

Make homemade ice cream to top off your apple pie!

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Scenes of Summer

Row 1 (l–r): A good year for apples (Photo: Gwen Berry), A leafy mosaic (Photo: Gwen Berry), Cinnamon teal resting at Summer Lake OR (Photo: Gwen Berry), Double rainbow (Photo: Peg Caliendo).

Row 2: Fields of gold (Photo: Peg Caliendo), Fishing splendor (Photo: Gwen Berry), Great horned owlet (Photo: Gwen Berry), High lights (Photo: Gwen Berry).

Row 3: Industrial-size hummingbird feeder (Photo: Gwen Berry), Is is safe to come out? (Photo: Peg Caliendo), Moonrise over the prairie (Photo: Peg Caliendo), Porcupine (Photo: Peg Caliendo).

Row 4: Red-winged Blackbird announcing its territory (Photo: Gwen Berry), Row of turtles at Steigerwald Refuge (Photo: Gwen Berry), Sliver of moon (Photo: Peg Caliendo), Storm clouds (B&W) (Photo: Peg Caliendo).

Row 5: Storm clouds over Swale Canyon (Photo: Peg Caliendo), Sunset (Photo: Peg Caliendo), Wildlife viewing area (Photo: Gwen Berry).

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