Sarah Hancock, Fire Chief
All Klickitat County Burn Bans have been rescinded as of October 23, 2024. Thankfully, High Prairie only experienced 2 wildfires this season: 1 caused by a lawnmower striking a rock and 1 caused by lightning. Both fires were small. Thank you again for all your efforts in keeping High Prairie safe!
Please follow the outdoor burning requirements listed below. If an outdoor fire started by you escapes, you may be responsible for paying costs associated with the extinguishment of that fire.
Outdoor Burning Requirements:
1. Fire size no larger than 10 foot diameter, only burn one pile at a time.
2. Minimum five (5) gallons water, shovel, fire extinguisher and/or charged garden hose.
3. Fire is built on bare soil.
4. Debris that can be burned: natural wood products, non-treated lumber scraps, trimmings, clippings. and natural vegetation. (Citations are issued due to this violation in Klickitat Co.)
5. Ditch and fence line burning can be done in 10’ X 10’ sections at a time with adequate water to put out the area burned. The next 10’ X 10’ section can then be lit. Caution: Must have containment lines such as roads, driveways, plowed fields, or hand trails down to mineral soil.
6. Burn Barrels are not approved. WAC 173-425. (Citations are issued due to this violation in Klickitat County)
7. In the event of air inversions, it is recommended by DOE to monitor media coverage for our area. If an inversion occurs, stop burning until DOE has lifted restrictions. (For more information, contact DOE 1-800-406-5322. Website:
8. Agriculture burns must be approved by DOE. Call 1-509-575-2490.
9. Minimum of 50 feet from any structure.
10. Fire must be attended to at all times.
This is the time of year when prescribed burns occur on forestry lands. These burns are intended to prevent future wildfires. Please DO NOT call 911 about prescribed burns. There are normally only 2 people in our 911 dispatch call center and unnecessary calls keep them from managing true emergencies.
Finally, in preparation of the winter season, please contact if you need a blue address number sign. These signs are vital in helping first responders find you in a timely manner when you’re experiencing an emergency. If you already have a blue sign, be sure to keep it clear of debris, vegetation, and snow.