Terra McLeod, Branch Manager
Greetings from the Goldendale Community Library, home of the Klickitat County Bookmobile. As we began to re-open services in-person we also restarted our Bookmobile, and we were happy to be able to bring services back to High Prairie. In the past, our visits to the area were limited to the summer, but due to interest, we will try to extend our services to late spring and early fall, as well as continue to visit at community events. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us either on the Bookmobile or call us at the library.
November is NaNoWriMo month (National Novel Writing Month), so challenge yourself to write every day to start or finish your novel! For more information, visit https://nanowrimo.org/
Here are a few things to look forward to at the library and through our Bookmobile:
Special Saturday Bookmobile visit and crafts:
11/12 Lyle Community Center 10:30-12 PM
11/12 Klickitat Community Center 1:00-2:30 PM
12/10 AM Wishram School 10:30-12:00 PM
At the Goldendale Community Library:
For Adults:
11/7 One-On-One Tech Help 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
11/17 Songs From the Heart – Contemporary Native American Flute Music & Stories 6:00 PM
11/21 Book Group 11:00 AM Gods of Jade and Shadow
12/5 One-On-One Tech Help 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
12/19 Book Group 11:00 AM The Feather Thief
For Youths:
Wednesdays: Family Storytimes 10:30 AM
1st Saturdays Storytime 10:30 AM
Fridays: Teen Gamer Noon Fridays 3:00-5:00 PM