The 2016 Community Directory is Available

directory_coverThere are over 100 listings for High Prairie residents and property owners. Everyone who submitted a listing to the Directory with an email address should have received an email from with a link to download the PDF version of the updated directory. If you did not receive this email, please notify us (at and we will provide the link.

If you did not submit a listing and you wish to be included in the next update simply fill out the form at

Get Your Autumn 2016 High Prairian Here!

Time to curl up beside a warm fire and listen to the rain. But don’t forget to read the latest edition of the High Prairian. You will learn about the latest hangups for the Schilling Road project(s), give a long-overdue shout out to Doug and Dona Taylor, catch up on some history of The Dalles, find out about a cat-astrophe right in our own back yard, and of course, much, much more.

v16n3_web-1Download this edition to print/view at your leisure
or read online